Pebble requires verification of your payment that includes the following details:
- Biller Name
- Payment Date
- Payment Amount
Below are some various forms of receipt Pebble will accept:
- Email confirmations from your biller
- PDF copies of your bill outlining previous payment period and coinciding payment
- Any form of legitimate bill payment receipt (eg. printed receipt from in-store payment)
- Screenshots from your online billing account showing the biller, payment date and amount
- Bank statements or transaction histories that clearly show the payment to the biller
Confirmation email from your biller
Actual bill outlining payments made in the previous period
Export your payment history from your biller account
Bank statement stating your name/address, payment date, biller & amount
If you do not have a form of payment receipt with all these pieces of information, you can provide a bill with the outstanding amount along with a bank statement that verifies the corresponding value to prove you paid that bill on a certain date.
If you need to send additional verification, please email